Animal Communication and energy work can be used for so many things, but here are a few common issues which often prompt a call to a communicator... 

Common Uses for AC

*Your animals' feelings regarding their health
*Your animals' feelings/wishes regarding their end of life trasition
*Helping your animals deal with the loss of a loved one
*Introducing a new animal into the household
*Your animals' feelings about their role in your life and vice versa
*Your animals' thoughts about what could be done to make them happier and/or healthier.
*Your annimals' feelings about competition (agility, flyball, shows, dressage, jumping, etc) and helping you both to be on the same page.

Behavioral Issues

*Separation Anxiety
*Not getting along with other pets
*Self-destructive habits (i.e. biting, chewing, hair pulling, cribbing, pacing,etc)
*Change in behavior due to vision or hearing issues
*Inappropriate behavior
*Fear issues (fear of certain people, situations, other animals)
*Pottying where they aren't supposed to

Physical Issues

Honestly, energy work can help improve or manage symptoms for pretty much any condition since it works with the body to heal itself. However,it is often used effectively for:
*Pre and post surgery
*Pre and post competition
*Arthritis and all inflammatory conditions
*Digestion issues
*Circulation issues
*Chronic headaches

Wellness Care

While Animal Communication and energy work are wonderful for working with immediate issues, it is also ideal as part of keeping your animal healthy long-term. Many people use it as a way to check in with their animal on a regular basis (whether that means once a month or a few times a year is up to you) about how they are feeling and address anything that comes up. This is also made even easier since I get to know the animal well and most sessions can be easily kept to 30min.

*Please Note: While both communication and energy work can do a lot to help an animal, it is in no way intended to be used to diagnose or treat any disease. I am not a trained veterinarian, but I am trained to help open communication and clarity between you and your animal so that you can make more informed decisions on their behalf. I always encourage people to find a veterinarian whom they geuinely trust.